Join us for an evening of song with Bear Fox. Bear is an award-winning singer, songwriter, and storyteller. She first began writing songs in the Mohawk language for their Traditional Women’s singing group Kontiwennenhawi (Carries of the Words). She has traveled the world sharing her gift and culture. Bear also writes songs in English, best known for “Broken” and “Rich Girl.” “Our language is struggling to survive right now, so it is important to our women’s group and I, to put our language into the songs. Many children in the local schools are beginning to sing our songs. We are very proud that we are able to contribute in some way to help with the survival of our language.”
Find out more about Bear Fox:
This is a free virtual discussion series open to our members, friends, and visitors. As we continue to work on developing more programs, please consider donating when you register for a ticket through Eventbrite.
This artist’s program was generously funded in part by Evanston Arts Council.